Time is a Construct

Written By Allie Perry January 5, 2024

How Was Your Year?

Are you waving a fond farewell to 2023? Or are you running away screaming with your hair on fire and somehow missing one of your shoes?
I'm closer to the latter.  
Let me give you a recap of 2023:
🎓 I taught a beginner metalsmithing class and gave stone-setting demos to advanced metalsmithing classes at a local university. They will have been my last times doing either, as I have decided that any future teaching I  do will be through my own online classes. Stay tuned this year for more on that, and drop a reply if there's anything specific you'd like to see me teach.
👱‍♀️ I dyed my hair platinum blonde. I had more fun.
🤕 I battled migraines. 0/5 stars.
👨🏼‍🎤 I dyed my hair Sapphire Blue.
💍 My husband and I celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary! (And our 25th anniversary of being together!)
👀 I had cataract surgery to restore vision to my right eye, which left me with mismatched vision and double vision in one eye. Months of prescriptions and experimenting later, I finally got magnifying glasses that allow me to work again!  I'm wearing them in the photo at the top of this email. They're by CraftOptics, who just happened to interview me for their blog!  You can read it here.
📑 I was featured in the online magazine, Canvas Rebel. You can read that interview here.
💻 While I couldn't see to work for many months, I took online classes to help learn how to run my business better, and attended lighting and photography webinars to improve my product photography.
⛵️ I got to sail on an 81' schooner, the Argia.
🐴🥾 I got to tag horseshoe crabs with Project Limulus through Sacred Heart University.
🌺 I made one of the most technically challenging, non-jewelry projects I've ever done.  Now that the holidays are behind us and gifts have been given, I'll be able to share more about it on social media.  Keep an eye out and give me a follow if you'd like to know more.
👷🏼‍♀️ I meticulously planned and implemented the next HUGE step for Allie Perry Designs…but I'll share that super exciting update in the next few weeks…
Now, onward and upward to whatever 2024 has to offer!



Allie is the owner and goldsmith behind Allie Perry Designs.

Learn more about her here, or connect with her on Instagram!

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